Emily's Portfolio

Take a look at my latest work
where each page showcases different features designed to address specific user needs.

This dynamic interface highlights my skills while offering seamless navigation to essential sections.

Built with Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, MongoDB, and GraphQL, based on AWS services, it highlights responsiveness, user experience, and functionality.

SF Dashboard

The SF Dashboard offers an interactive BART map modal, a 3-day weather forecast for San Francisco, a graph displaying historical traveler data, and detailed information with locations for the top 10 city attractions.

Tech Stacks & APIs

GraphQLMongoDBChart.jsGoogle Maps APIWeatherAPILambdaEventBridge

The BART map modal is a static image, and the weather forecast data is from WeatherAPI and saved to MongoDB using Lambda and EventBridge daily. All images are generated using ChatGPT All images were generated using ChatGPT


The Users Page allows admins to view essential user information, sort by various fields, and filter based on specific conditions. This feature is designed to enhance administrative efficiency and ensure easy access to critical user data.

Tech Stacks & APIs


All users data was generated using Faker.js and stored in MongoDB.

Task Management

The Task Management Page is modeled after Trello, offering a familiar layout and functionality. It supports drag-and-drop task movement between columns, as well as the creation, editing, and deletion of tasks to streamline task management.

For demo purposes, data is handled on the client side, so refreshing the page will reset it to the initial state.

© 2024 Emily Kang. All Rights Reserved.

Emily Kang - Front-End Developer